Terms and Conditions PwC's Academy

Terms and Conditions PwC Academy

1. Subject of the Contract

PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. Sarajevo, ID: 4200881410005, with registered seat at Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-mail: ba_office@pwc.com, phone: +387 33 295 234  (“PwC” or “PwC Academy”) will provide to the Client („Client“ or „you“), based on a completed and delivered registration form (“Application”), a training and/or a Course of training specified in the Application (“Course”).

The Client is a person/entity identified in the Application to whom the invoice will be issued. It is presumed that the person filling out the Application is doing it in his/her own name or is authorized to do so. False representation is forbidden by the relevant laws.

These Terms and Conditions, together with the Application, constitute a Contract for Provision of Service (“Contract”).

2.  Course Venue, Date, technical information

The Course either takes place at PwC premises at the following address: Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina or any other place specified by PwC (“Venue”) or is delivered, or made available, online. The Venue and the dates when the Course(s) will start (“Course Date”) are available on PwC Academy web page and/or are included in the Course Information (including but not limited to promotive material, offers etc.)  provided to the Client directly by e-mail or by other means (“Course Information”).

Technical information for Online Courses:

To access online Courses it is recommended to use the following browser:  Microsoft Edge for Windows 10, Latest Google Chrome. It is required to allow cookies and pop-up windows, and give access to the device's microphone and camera. The firewall and the browser shouldn’t block the access to the PwC domain (www.pwc.com; www.pwc.ba).

Broadband internet connection is required (recommended: min 1-2 Mbps).

Technical information for e-learnings: 

Upon registering to the e-learning(s) the Client will receive a username and password to access the registered content. Access to the registered content is unlimited for the duration of 6 months.

To be able to use the PwC’s Academy Online Portal and run the e-learning contents the below described technical parameters are required. In case the Client wants to access the system through its/his/her company computer, it is possible that additional Client-side settings may restrict running the online portal and/ or e-learning contents. 

Operating system: Microsoft Windows (XP and later versions), Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, CentOS), MacOS (Mavericks and later versions).

Browser: Microsoft Edge for Windows 10, Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and greater, Latest Apple Safari, Latest Mozilla Firefox, Latest Google Chrome.

It is required to allow cookies and pop-up windows. 

In case of a 32 bit operating system the browser should be a 32 bit version. In case of a  64 bit operating system the browser should be also in 64 bit version. 

Acrobat Reader:8.0 or higher version is required to be able to read the PDF documents. 

Firewall settings: Some parts of the Course are available in swf format, which contains images (jpeg, png), multimedia (mp3, mp4) and text files (xml, xsd). The firewall and the browser shouldn’t block the access of these types of files. 

Broadband internet connection is required (recommended: min 1-2 Mbps) 1024x768, 32 bit display resolution.

3. Nature of the Course

In organising and providing the Course, PwC will not be (i) carrying out an audit or other assurance engagement in accordance with applicable professional standards, or (ii) providing any legal, accounting, tax or professional business advice. 

The Course and any Course materials provided are generally informative in nature, are not intended to be a definitive or comprehensive analysis of the subject and should not be deemed to constitute a substitute for professional advice. The Client must independently evaluate the appropriateness of using the information and training materials received during the Course. PwC will not be liable for any conclusions made by the Client (participants) as a result of the provision of services, or any practical Application of such conclusions.

4. Fee and Payment Terms

The Fees for the Courses are available on the PwC Academy web page or in the Course Information provided to the Client directly by e-mail or by other means. The Fee will be also visible in the Application form the Client submits to PwC. The Fee is exclusive of VAT.

Registration for the Course has a binding effect. 

An invoice will be sent to the Client by post or electronically to the address shown on the Application. The Client is required to pay the invoiced Fee for the services (“Fee”) increased with VAT, within two weeks after the date of invoice. The payment of the invoiced Fee is going to be paid at the bank account of PwC.

No additional costs will be charged to the Client by PwC. The Client shall, however, bear its own costs and expenses associated with the delivery of the Course (including but not limited to travel and accommodation costs, or costs for suitable IT equipment / software and internet connection).

5. Cancellation and Alterations 

a) Cancellation of attendance by the Client - natural person (consumer as defined under the relevant Consumer Protection Legislation)

The Client - consumer can cancel his/her attendance to the Course, i.e. withdraw from the Contract, without stating a reason for termination, and without any penalties, within 15 calendar days from the date of Contract conclusion (the date of Application submission), but anyway prior to the Course Date.

Any cancellation of attendance, i.e. withdrawal from the Contract by the Client must be in writing and sent to PwC either to the registered office address or by e-mail to the following email address: ba_office@pwc.com.

In case of cancellation, the Client should provide a termination notice with the following information: Client’s name and surname, contract details: address, telephone number or e-mail and the withdrawal statement with the reference to relevant Course or he/she can use the withdrawal form available here. The form/notice can be filled out electronically.

The confirmation of the receipt of the notice will be provided to the Client’s e-mail.

If the Contract is terminated within 15 calendar days from the date of Contract conclusion, provided that the Client has not attended the Course/any part of the Course, the Client - consumer will not be obliged to pay the Fee, or if the Fee has already been paid, the Client will be entitled to the reimbursement of paid Fee within 15 calendar days from the date of the receipt of termination notice and PwC will not be obliged to provide the Course. The reimbursement will be conducted in the same way as the payment has been made or in other way with Client’s prior consent. 

However, if the Client does not inform PwC about his/her decision to terminate the Contract prior to the Course Date, it will be considered as the Client has attended the Course and the Client will be obliged to pay the full Fee for the Course.

b) Cancellation of attendance by Client - legal entity, or any other entity not under the scope of Consumer Protection Legislation

The Course can be cancelled without any penalties at least 11 calendar days before the Course Date. 

If cancellation is made later than 11 days prior to the Course Date, the Client is obliged to pay the following amounts:

  • If cancellation is made within 10 (ten) to 7 (seven) days before the Course Date - 25% of the total Fee. 

  • If cancellation is made within 7 (seven) to 3 (three) days before the Course date - 50% of the total Fee.

  • For cancellation within 3 (three) or less days before the Course Date - 100% of the total Fee.

In all other cases PwC is entitled to the full Fee.
In case of non-attendance, without proper cancellation as stated hereinabove, the Client is obliged to pay the full Fee, i.e. is not entitled to any refund.

Any cancellation of attendance by the Client must be in writing and sent to PwC either to the registered office address or by e-mail to the following email address: ba_office@pwc.com. The receipt confirmation will be provided to the Client’s e-mail.

The date of cancellation will be the date of delivery of the Client’s written notification on termination of the Contract to PwC.

c) Cancellation of the Course by PwC

In case of cancellation of the Course by PwC, the Client must be reimbursed for the Fee already paid, i.e. will not be obliged to pay anything for the cancelled Course.

d) Alterations of the participant by the Client

The Client may, at any time prior to the Course Date, replace the enrolled individual(s) by another one, with no effect on the Fee (except for the Course organized in cooperation with professional organizations). All such requests must be in writing and sent to PwC either to the registered office address or by e-mail to the following email address: ba_office@pwc.com.The receipt confirmation will be provided to the Client’s e-mail. 

e) The Course organized in cooperation with professional organizations 

In case of the Course organized in cooperation with professional organizations (CIPD, ACCA, CIMA, ICF, EMCC, etc.) the PwC's Terms and Conditions apply to the delivery of the training (including the cancellation terms), and Terms and Conditions of the relevant professional organization apply to the student membership status (including the (non)possibility of the replacement of the individual enrolled). The Client receives relevant Terms and Conditions upon their registration with each professional organisation. 

f) Alterations in the content of the Course, Course Date, Venue,

PwC can modify the content of the Course, or replace the lecturers, provided this will not affect its general purpose. 

PwC can also reschedule the Course or change the Venue, with prior notice to the Client.

The Client shall be informed about the alterations related to the Course in due time, by e-mail, or telephone call and all information related to the Course will also be available on PwC Academy web page.

6.  Intellectual Property

PwC owns the intellectual property rights (ownership or relevant licence) in the Course materials created and distributed under this Contract, and the Client will have a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use them for his/her/its own internal purposes.  In particular and without limitations, the Client will not provide or disclose the Course materials, or copies of them, to any third party.

The Client may be granted access to the learning platform of PwC Academy through which the Client may be provided with various information, handouts and other study material.
The Client is entitled to use the platform of PwC Academy (if granted access) and all handouts and other Course material received in any form, before or during the Course solely for his/her/its personal and/or internal purposes. 

PwC, respectively other third party legitimate owners, shall remain the owner of any subjects of intellectual property rights provided to the Client. The Client may not, for any reason, distribute any handouts and/or Course materials to any third party, make the platform of PwC Academy available to third parties or refer to the content of materials or the Course.

The Client cannot make any audio or video recordings of the Course, except for those permitted by PwC.

7. Limitation of Liability

PwC accepts no liability to anyone, other than the Client, in connection with the Course and services provided under the Contract. The Client agrees to reimburse PwC for any costs (including legal costs) that PwC shall incur in connection with any claim raised by any third party against PwC in relation to the Course or services provided to the Client under this Contract. The Client agrees to bring any claim in connection with the Course and services provided under the Contract only against PwC, and not against any individual, however described.

To the extent permitted by law, PwC’s liability to the Client shall be limited to twice the Fee paid by the Client for the Course giving rise to the claim. To the extent permitted by law, PwC will not be liable for (i) loss of profit, goodwill, business opportunity, anticipated savings or benefits or (ii) indirect or consequential loss.

8. Data Protection

PwC processes personal data of the Clients, persons attending the Courses and potential Clients as a data controller in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, in particular with the Personal Data Protection Law ("Official Gazette BiH", no. 49/2006, 76/2011 and 89/2011 – corr.).

Further information on data processing, data subject’s rights, including the contact details of the Data Protection Officer, are available in the privacy statement on PwC website here.

9. Confidentiality 

PwC will use Client’s confidential information (if disclosed) only in relation to the services, and will not disclose it without prior written consent, except (i) where required by law or regulation or where requested by a professional body of which PwC or its staff are members, or (ii) to its legal advisors or insurers. However, PwC may give confidential information to other PwC firms-members of global PricewaterhouseCoopers network of separate and independent firms (“Other PwC firms”) or relevant subContractors or service providers as long as they are bound by confidentiality obligations. The obligations to keep the information received in connection with this Contract confidential shall remain in legal effect for three years after receipt of such information. The above will not apply to information which (i) is publicly available, (ii) has been received from someone else who owes no duty of confidence in relation to it, or (iii) was already known by PwC.

The Client acknowledges that all information shared by the Client with other participants of the Course, will become public that way and PwC has no control over the use of such information by other participants.

10. Force Majeure

Neither party will be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Contract to the extent that such delay is caused by events or circumstances beyond the delayed party's reasonable control.

11. Complaints

In case of any complaint in connection with the delivery of the Course, the Client may contact PwC at the email address  ba_office@pwc.com or by mail at PwC’s registered address specified in clause 1 above. PwC will respond to a complaint within 15 days from the date of receipt.

12. Entry to the Venue

Clients/participants attending a Course on-site might be required to provide identification and/or to sign in at the reception desk, depending on the Venue requirements. Failure to provide identification and/or to sign in may result in refusal of access to the Venue.

By entering the PwC (or other relevant) premises, the Client undertakes to comply with all laws and internal regulations on security, health protection, and fire protection as well as with any other generally binding local laws. The Client hereby declares that in case the Client is granted an entry card to the relevant premises, the Client undertakes to return it in the original condition after the Course completion. 

13. Services to others

The Client agrees that PwC may perform services for the Client’s competitors or other parties whose interests may conflict with the Client’s, as long as PwC does not disclose Client’s confidential information and PwC complies with its ethical obligations. Those other parties may be the participants of the same Course the Client is attending, so it is on the Client to assess which information he/she/it will reveal during the Courses.

14. Governing law

Relations between PwC and the Client under this Contract will be governed by the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In case of disputes not settled amicably, the dispute will be brought to the court in Sarajevo.

15. Assignment

The Client may not assign his/her/its rights and obligations under this Contract fully or partially to any third party without prior written consent from PwC. PwC will be entitled to assign its rights and/or obligations under this Contract fully or partially to the Other PwC firms without consent from the Client.

16. Miscellaneous

In case of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and the Application, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

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Petko Petkov

Petko Petkov

Partner, SEE Risk Assurance Leader and CEE Digital Identity Leader, PwC Bulgaria

Tel: +359 894 421 042

Contact us

Milivoje Nesovic

Milivoje Nesovic

Partner, Broader Assurance Services, PwC Serbia
